Saturday 14 April 2012

These are the deaths of the many,
Against the lives of the few,
We wage wars in our minds,
Without the right signs,
We follow a path paved in gold,
Without being told,
We cross paths with so many,
But why do we have to cross any?
Why do we try to reach the sky,
When the worlds down below,
Solid under the feet we tread upon,
Moving gracefully like a swan,
Its the motions and the notions,
The big and the small,
We are just scared to fall,
We can't embrace it,
So we try to face it,
And once we're gone,
The world can trace it,
Follow the steps,
And make amends,
Because eventually,
Everything ends.

Sunday 15 January 2012

New Year, New Memories.

Since its currently two weeks into the new year, it seems only right that i manage to actually post something about it, but to be honest, nothing has happened yet, nothing at all. So i have nothing of major interest to say really, just hoping since its a new year that i'll get some new memories that wont turn to shit like the gold touch of king midus. oh well, Heres to hoping.

Happy New Years Guys.